Nick Cannon Threatened Death

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Pernahkah terbersit di benak Anda bagaimana cara membuat aplikasi-aplikasi tersebut?

Apakah Anda Saat Ini Ingin Sekali Bisa Bikin Aplikasi Android Sendiri? Seperti aplikasi game edukasi, media pembelajaran, aplikasi berbasis sensor, aplikasi multimedia, dan lain sebagainya?


1. Tidak Ngerti Coding
2. Tidak Tahu Computer Programming
3. Tidak Paham Bahasa Pemrograman Android
4. Dan Sama Sekali Bukan Lulusan IT?

Jangan Khawatir ...
Ternyata, bikin aplikasi Android itu SANGAT MUDAH, bahkan bagi Pemula sekalipun.

Sekarang Anda bisa bikin aplikasi Android dengan Cepat, bahkan TANPA HARUS CODING.

Tak peduli apapun latar belakang Anda, bikin aplikasi Android itu MUDAH, semudah bermain Puzzle.

Anda Hanya Perlu 4 Langkah berikut ini :

1. Drag & drop komponen-komponen yang dibutuhkan
2. Percantik tampilan aplikasi dengan mengatur layout dan desain tampilan
3. Susun blok-blok kode programnya, dan
4. Build aplikasi Anda jadi file instalasi *.APK

Lantas, Bagimana Cara Memulainya?
Mudah kok, karena sudah hadir untuk Anda Di Sini :

Video tutorial yang membahas cara membuat aplikasi Android dengan sangat MUDAH, CEPAT, & TANPA CODING menggunakan tools App Inventor 2. 
Nick Cannon Threatened Death-Happiness seems to get the twins did not have much effect on the health of Nick Cannon. Mariah Carey's husband was once again rushed to the hospital!

About a month ago, the actor is now busy with radio and television had been treated for kidney failure. Now, Nick is threatened by the hospital stating that the flurry of work would threaten his life.

"I've been hospitalized since Friday (10/2), and in fact, my illness is serious enough. I do not even know what (the pain). I was in pain and trying not to be hospitalized because of pain in the back that I felt. I think it's just plain sick of kidney failure I've ever had, but it was far more painful, "said Nick in his radio broadcast, 92.3 NOW.

After undergoing the examination, it seems there are two blood clots in the lungs of these Drumline star. In addition, the veins on the right heart was too wide. Both are caused by air travel is too often done.
"I travel a lot. All the people who fly frequently may have a blood clot, because the problem may start in the legs or lower back underneath you. Therefore, the bad state of health has made me more vulnerable," he continued.

Although suffering from a severe illness, Nick is still grateful. The reason is, most people with blood clots in the lungs can not survive. "My doctor told me, thank goodness you are fit enough, because most people who have blood clots in his lungs could not breathe, and finally stopped breathing. I still do not feel I can not breathe, but was very sick when taking a breath. But my doctor had to handle and now everything is fine, "said the man is hilarious.

And most importantly, Nick could take a lesson from this problem. One way is to reduce the tremendous rush that lived during this time. "My doctor told me that my job would kill me, and he was not joking. I think my health deteriorated because I do not have time to rest and too much work," he concluded. Hope ya get better soon!

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