How to use Blink texts to attract visitors

Lihat dan hitung, seberapa banyak aplikasi Android yang Anda instal di smartphone Anda? 

Pernahkah terbersit di benak Anda bagaimana cara membuat aplikasi-aplikasi tersebut?

Apakah Anda Saat Ini Ingin Sekali Bisa Bikin Aplikasi Android Sendiri? Seperti aplikasi game edukasi, media pembelajaran, aplikasi berbasis sensor, aplikasi multimedia, dan lain sebagainya?


1. Tidak Ngerti Coding
2. Tidak Tahu Computer Programming
3. Tidak Paham Bahasa Pemrograman Android
4. Dan Sama Sekali Bukan Lulusan IT?

Jangan Khawatir ...
Ternyata, bikin aplikasi Android itu SANGAT MUDAH, bahkan bagi Pemula sekalipun.

Sekarang Anda bisa bikin aplikasi Android dengan Cepat, bahkan TANPA HARUS CODING.

Tak peduli apapun latar belakang Anda, bikin aplikasi Android itu MUDAH, semudah bermain Puzzle.

Anda Hanya Perlu 4 Langkah berikut ini :

1. Drag & drop komponen-komponen yang dibutuhkan
2. Percantik tampilan aplikasi dengan mengatur layout dan desain tampilan
3. Susun blok-blok kode programnya, dan
4. Build aplikasi Anda jadi file instalasi *.APK

Lantas, Bagimana Cara Memulainya?
Mudah kok, karena sudah hadir untuk Anda Di Sini :

Video tutorial yang membahas cara membuat aplikasi Android dengan sangat MUDAH, CEPAT, & TANPA CODING menggunakan tools App Inventor 2. 
This tutorial is little bit critical one.Because some browsers don't support for this HTML tag.Anyway if you're a Firefox user you can see the demos of this tutorial.Before four or five months ago i posted a nice tutorial,How to add marquee text for website and Blog.Most of major browsers support for marquee element. But blink tag is not supported by some browsers like Google chrome and Safari yet.By using blink tag,the texts will not be hidden in other browsers,if they don't support.They will be displayed without animation.Now lets look how we can use blink HTML element in web pages.

Sorry, If you're seeing the Examples of this Tutorial without blinking,You have to view this Page with Mozilla Firefox...

Basic code of blink tag is quite simple. Like <p> element,you just need to add your text between those codes.See code in below.

<blink>My Text Here </blink>

Example:-   My Text Here

There is not special things to do for styling the blink text.Like you use <span> tag or CSS for other elements,you can use them for making attractive blinking texts.

<blink style="font-size:20px;color:red;">This is My red color Text !!!</blink>

Example:-   This is My red colored Text !!!

Creating Blinking Hypertext

You might like this step of tutorial.Adding blinking links or anchor texts is as easy as adding inline CSS codes for special parts of web page.

 <blink><a style="font-size:20px;color:#ad7456;" href="Link-to-Go" target="_blank">My Link Text Here</a> </blink>

 Here i added  <a> tag between <blink> and </blink> elements.Replace above colored text with yours.I added CSS code inside the <a> attribute.Thereby only text between <a> and </a> elements will be styled.

Blinking a button

Also we can use 'blink' element for animating the text on the buttons.Look at the code below.

<blink><button style="width:100px;height:100px;" >View</button> </blink>


I think that this information is sufficient for understanding the <blink> element and why it is using and how to use it.You can use other elements,tags with "blink" tag and beautify your site.Unfortunately some visitors who use unsupported browsers for "blink" tag can't see the blinking stuff.

Would you like this tutorial? So do share this "Using Blink texts for attracting Visitors" tutorial with your socialized friends.

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