Lihat dan hitung, seberapa banyak aplikasi Android yang Anda instal di smartphone Anda? 

Pernahkah terbersit di benak Anda bagaimana cara membuat aplikasi-aplikasi tersebut?

Apakah Anda Saat Ini Ingin Sekali Bisa Bikin Aplikasi Android Sendiri? Seperti aplikasi game edukasi, media pembelajaran, aplikasi berbasis sensor, aplikasi multimedia, dan lain sebagainya?


1. Tidak Ngerti Coding
2. Tidak Tahu Computer Programming
3. Tidak Paham Bahasa Pemrograman Android
4. Dan Sama Sekali Bukan Lulusan IT?

Jangan Khawatir ...
Ternyata, bikin aplikasi Android itu SANGAT MUDAH, bahkan bagi Pemula sekalipun.

Sekarang Anda bisa bikin aplikasi Android dengan Cepat, bahkan TANPA HARUS CODING.

Tak peduli apapun latar belakang Anda, bikin aplikasi Android itu MUDAH, semudah bermain Puzzle.

Anda Hanya Perlu 4 Langkah berikut ini :

1. Drag & drop komponen-komponen yang dibutuhkan
2. Percantik tampilan aplikasi dengan mengatur layout dan desain tampilan
3. Susun blok-blok kode programnya, dan
4. Build aplikasi Anda jadi file instalasi *.APK

Lantas, Bagimana Cara Memulainya?
Mudah kok, karena sudah hadir untuk Anda Di Sini :

Video tutorial yang membahas cara membuat aplikasi Android dengan sangat MUDAH, CEPAT, & TANPA CODING menggunakan tools App Inventor 2. 


There is a big secret hidden by Raymond before a series of deaths occur on campus. In a private party, Beby, Raymond girlfriend, trap Myrna, his own friend. Firman, Myrna's lover, forced her to have sex while under the influence of drugs.

Vaginismus causes Firman and Myrna could not separate. Firman were shame. He asked for the help of his two friends, Johan and Fandy. Firman's panic resulted in Myrna being killed. Campus laboratory
beame the silent witness of the embarrassing incident. To get rid of the evidence, Firman, Johan, and Fandy burying Myrna's body in restrooms.

Four years later ... Kirana, a new pretty and sexy lecturer, present on the same campus. Tya, a tomboy, cool, and smart
girl is a sister of Myrna, study at the same college. The loss of Myrna, still remains a mystery. Together with two friends, Ruben and Mumud, Tya trying to unravel the incident through the campus magazine.

The mysterious death of two lovers in laboratoium campus with the body they can not be separated through intercourse, making Tya increasingly curious. Moreover, whenever there is death, there is always Kirana on the location in her confusion.

Tya had a boyfriend, hisname is Raymond, the young doctor. To Raymond, Tya always tell the mysterious death of the events on campus. Raymond responded coldly. Kirana herself never realized that men are attracted to her, will die horribly. The victim's death seemed unstoppable.

Tya, Ruben, Mumud was even photographed
Kirana face. However, the images that come out, always face Myrna. Big mystery is slowly opened. Kirana is Firman's sister. So is Raymond, he is the same man who had fallen in love with Myrna. Myrna's Rejection makes Raymond hurt. Raymond also sending death witchcraft. Raymond is the cause of all the chaos and Myrna's death.

Genre: Horror
Producer: Shanker RS
Director: Hanny Mustofa
Production Co: Sentra Mega Kreasi
Cast: Julia Perez, Ruben Onsu, Anjani, Jenny Cortez
Release Date: September 27, 2012


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