Contoh Narrative Text Pendek

Lihat dan hitung, seberapa banyak aplikasi Android yang Anda instal di smartphone Anda? 

Pernahkah terbersit di benak Anda bagaimana cara membuat aplikasi-aplikasi tersebut?

Apakah Anda Saat Ini Ingin Sekali Bisa Bikin Aplikasi Android Sendiri? Seperti aplikasi game edukasi, media pembelajaran, aplikasi berbasis sensor, aplikasi multimedia, dan lain sebagainya?


1. Tidak Ngerti Coding
2. Tidak Tahu Computer Programming
3. Tidak Paham Bahasa Pemrograman Android
4. Dan Sama Sekali Bukan Lulusan IT?

Jangan Khawatir ...
Ternyata, bikin aplikasi Android itu SANGAT MUDAH, bahkan bagi Pemula sekalipun.

Sekarang Anda bisa bikin aplikasi Android dengan Cepat, bahkan TANPA HARUS CODING.

Tak peduli apapun latar belakang Anda, bikin aplikasi Android itu MUDAH, semudah bermain Puzzle.

Anda Hanya Perlu 4 Langkah berikut ini :

1. Drag & drop komponen-komponen yang dibutuhkan
2. Percantik tampilan aplikasi dengan mengatur layout dan desain tampilan
3. Susun blok-blok kode programnya, dan
4. Build aplikasi Anda jadi file instalasi *.APK

Lantas, Bagimana Cara Memulainya?
Mudah kok, karena sudah hadir untuk Anda Di Sini :

Video tutorial yang membahas cara membuat aplikasi Android dengan sangat MUDAH, CEPAT, & TANPA CODING menggunakan tools App Inventor 2. 
Narrative Text adalah contoh bahasa inggris yang bersifat bercerita. Narrative Text Generic Structure adalah Orientation Yaitu berisi tentang pengenalan tokoh, waktu, serta tempat kejadiannya, Complication Yaitu gambaran masalah yang di alami oleh tokoh pada cerita yang harus dipecahkan. Resolution Yaitu bagaimana tokoh tsb menyelesaikan masalah.

Narrative Text

Narrative Text

Contoh Narrative Text Pendek

Story Of Sangkuriang
Long Time Ago, there was a kingdom in Priangan Land. Lived a happy family. They were a father in form of dog,his name is Tumang, a mother which was called is Dayang Sumbi, and a child which was called Sangkuriang.

One day, Dayang Sumbi asked her son to go hunting with his lovely dog, Tumang. After hunting all day, Sangkuriang began desperate and worried because he hunted no deer. Then he thought to shot his own dog. Then he took the dog liver and carried home.

Soon Dayang Sumbi found out that it was not deer lever but Tumang's, his own dog. So, She was very angry and hit Sangkuriang's head. In that incident, Sangkuriang got wounded and scar then cast away from their home.

Years go bye, Sangkuriang had travel many places and finally arrived at a village. He met a beautiful woman and felt in love with her. When they were discussing their wedding plans, The woman looked at the wound in Sangkuriang's head. It matched to her son's wound who had left severall years earlier. Soon she realized that she felt in love with her own son.

She couldn't marry him but how to say it. Then, she found the way. She needed a lake and a boat for celebrating their wedding day. Sangkuriang had to make them in one night. He built a lake. With a dawn just moment away and the boat was almost complete. Dayang Sumbi had to stop it. Then, she lit up the eastern horizon with flashes of light. It made the cock crowed for a new day.

Sangkuriang failed to marry her. She was very angry and kicked the boat. It felt over and became the mountain of Tangkuban Perahu Bandung.

Story Of Toba Lake
Once upon a time, there was a man who was living in north Sumatera. He lived in a simple hut in a farm field. They did some gardening and fishing for his daily life.

One day, while the man was fishing, he caught a big golden fish in his trap. It was the biggest catch which he ever had in his life. Surprisingly, this fish turned into a beautiful princess. He felt in love with her and proposed her to be his wife. She said; "Yes, but you have to promise not to tell anyone about the secret that I was once a fish, otherwise there will be a huge disaster". The man made the deal and they got married, lived happily and had a daughter.

Few years later, this daughter would help bringing lunch to her father out in the fields. One day, his daughter was so hungry and she ate his father’s lunch. Unfortunately, he found out and got furious, and shouted; “You damned daughter of a fish”. The daughter ran home and asked her mother. The mother started crying, felt sad that her husband had broke his promise.

Then she told her daughter to run up the hills because a huge disaster was about to come. When her daughter left, she prayed. Soon there was a big earthquake followed by non-stop pouring rain. The whole area got flooded and became Toba Lake. She turned into a fish again and the man became the island of Samosir.

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